Vocational Training Act: Planned qualification terms compromise higher education system and vocational education

24. October 2019

Prior to the deliberation of the Bundestag on the amendment of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), Prof Dr Peter-André Alt, President of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) said the following:

"With deep concern, the German Rectors’ Conference adopted yesterday's recommendation on the amendment of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) made by the German Bundestag's Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment. It still stands by the use of the designations "Bachelor Professional” and “Master Professional”.

In agreement with the Bundesrat and a number of organisations from industry and academia, the HRK urgently appeals to the German Bundestag to abandon the use of these terms. It threatens to cause long-term and serious damage to the great European reform project of the Bologna Process and the German higher education system, not to the mention vocational training that is so important to Germany."

The Senate of the HRK recently spoke out against the planned qualification terms.