Representative offices of German universities
in China

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Liaison Office of RWTH Aachen University in Beijing

Liaison Office of RWTH Aachen University in Beijing

Established in: 2007
• Recruitment of talented students
• Maintenance of links with partner universities and institutions
• Alumni work
• Advice to the university on current developments
• Support for researchers of RWTH Aachen University in China

Universität Bayreuth

Gateway Office Shanghai

Gateway Office Shanghai

Established in: 2016
The Gateway Office is a service centre for all members of the University of Bayreuth and our partners in China. It is also a point of contact for Chinese and Bayreuth students and researchers to help them further advance cooperation in research and teaching and establish and consolidate links with institutions in research and industry.
The University of Bayreuth also anticipates that the new office will further cement its success in attracting qualified Chinese students and doctoral candidates. In addition, the University of Bayreuth’s Gateway Office plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of cooperation agreements at university level and in alumni support.

Technische Universität Darmstadt

TU Darmstadt Liaison Office at Tongji University, Shanghai

TU Darmstadt Liaison Office at Tongji University, Shanghai

Established in: 2014
The Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) has established regional offices in key strategic regions in Asia and North America with the aim of enhancing and intensifying the collaboration and communication with partners both at higher education institutions and in industry in these regions.
The office coordinates the Strategic Partnerships with Tongji University. In addition, it acts as a central contact point for all partners in China and provides support for collaboration and cooperation activities between the TU Darmstadt and partner institutions within the university ecosystem. As a campus office, we are thus closely connected to the current academic and research landscape in the region.
Furthermore, the liaison office represents the TU Darmstadt at conferences, international fairs and networking events. Partner visits and other outreach activities are organised by the office as well.

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

China Office of the University of Göttingen, Nanjing

China Office of the University of Göttingen, Nanjing

Established in: 2008
The aim of the China Office is to strengthen relations between Chinese universities and research institutions and the University of Göttingen. It serves as a point of contact and information for Chinese universities, researchers and students who are interested in the University of Göttingen and for researchers and students from Göttingen who cooperate with peers in China or are visiting China. It supports cooperation arrangements between the institutions on the Göttingen campus and partners throughout China, including Hong Kong and Macao, and in Taiwan. Its tasks are to initiate and support collaboration in research endeavours and study programmes between partners in China and the University of Göttingen as well as other institutions on the Göttingen campus, to recruit outstanding Chinese students and researchers, to promote the exchange of researchers, students and staff, to organise academic events and delegation visits to China and Germany and to support the ongoing development of the alumni network in China.

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Beijing Office

Beijing Office

Established in: 2007
• Advice on study and research opportunities at the University of Jena and the application process, recruitment of highly qualified students and graduates from China
• Planning and implementation of marketing measures (presentations, university open days, international fairs), promotion of the University of Jena in China
• Support for delegations of German university members in China
• Maintenance and expansion of existing partnerships with Chinese universities and research institutes
• Initiation of new cooperation arrangements with Chinese universities
• Evaluation of enquiries about possible cooperation arrangements from China
• Provision of support for student exchange programmes
• Production of Chinese-language publications and promotional material
• Maintenance of the Chinese website and the social media presence in China
• Translation and interpreting

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

KIT China Branch, Suzhou

KIT China Branch, Suzhou

Established in: 2014
• Point of contact and coordination office to support members of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in local activities
• Positioning of the KIT brand and key areas of interest
• Symposia
• Seminars for alumni
• Advanced training events (business model)
• Showcases and matchmaking for industry partnerships (giving preference to Jiangsu, the partner region of the State of Baden-Württemberg, together with Baden-Württemberg International, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry etc.)
• Summer schools/exchange programmes for students (e.g. within the scope of the Sino-European Engineering Education Platform (SE3P) and the International University Consortium in Earth Science (IUCES))
• Intercultural measures, promotion of
KIT/Karlsruhe/Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion
• Annual reception to which partners and representatives of the State of Baden-Württemberg and other (funding) policy organisations are invited
• Participation in marketing measures for KIT in China (e.g. student information events held by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD))
• Support for the expansion of strategic partnerships between KIT and universities in Jiangsu province and the Greater Shanghai area

Universität zu Köln and China-NRW University Alliance

University of Cologne Regional Office China, Beijing

University of Cologne Regional Office China, Beijing

Member universities of the China-NRW University Alliance:
• Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI)
• Technische Universität Dortmund
• Universität zu Köln
• Universität Münster
• Universität Siegen
• Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Established in: 2007
The China Office serves as an information centre for Chinese and German students, researchers, alumni and organisations interested in an international exchange. The local Chinese representative uses her knowledge of the Chinese higher education sector to provide stakeholders with information on latest developments in top-level research and the university landscape in China.
The office also represents the six German universities in the China-NRW University Alliance – Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI), TU Dortmund University, the University of Münster, the University of Siegen, the University of Wuppertal and the University of Cologne. The Office Head places students and researchers in all six member universities and oversees China-related projects. The Alliance was set up with the aim of jointly establishing and strengthening relations with Chinese universities and institutions. The Alliance coordinates joint activities with its partners, supports knowledge transfer between relevant collaborators and serves as a point of contact for interested parties.

Technische Universität München

TUM Beijing

TUM Beijing

Established in: 2006
TUM Beijing serves as the first point of contact for partner universities, prospective students, doctoral candidates and researchers from China and Taiwan and represents the Technical University of Munich (TUM) at fairs and information events. Regular alumni events, pre-departure web-based seminars for future TUM students from China and the popular TUM-Weibo account make the TUM community in China one of the most active and involved in the world. TUM Beijing also shares information on developments taking place in the Chinese and Taiwanese higher education markets and supports TUM members while they are visiting the region.