Global University Leaders Council Hamburg

Co-organised by the German Rectors’ Conference, the Körber Foundation, and Universität Hamburg, the Global University Leaders Council Hamburg (GUC Hamburg) brings together university leaders from all world regions to develop and shape universal ideas and values of higher education. The GUC Hamburg thus aims to identify and jointly pursue approaches for the development of universities worldwide. Until 2017, the Council was held under the name Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council.

Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council

Quality of higher education under threat

Participants of HTULC 2017

9 June 2017 Worldwide, the demand for an academic education continues to grow. The result is the rapid expansion of higher education institutions; the private sector, in particular, is booming. In countries through- out the world, it is thus becoming increasingly difficult to safeguard the qualiity of higher education. This is a finding by the second Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council. Forty-seven university leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America came together to attend this Council in Hamburg from 7 to 9 June. They discussed and debated the consequences of the trend towards academisation and the future of higher education at the invitation of the German Rectors’ Conference, the Körber Foundation and Universität Hamburg. More

Worldwide boom in post-secondary education

Study: Many higher education systems are growing without long-term strategies

22 February 2017 As the knowledge-based society grows, so too does the global requirement for academics and highly trained professional staff. The rising demand for higher education and growing worldwide economic competition are putting governments under enormous pressure and resulting in rapid rates of change in education systems throughout the world. This includes the expansion of existing institutions and an increase, in some cases a surge, in the establishment of new institutions. This boom has given rise to national post secondary education systems that are heterogeneous and diverse in themselves. What is missing are long-term strategies and coherent development. That is the result of a study commissioned by the Körber Foundation, “Responding to Massification: Differentiation in Postsecondary Education Worldwide” by the Boston College. More

The First Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council

Shared Values as a Guide for the Global Development of Universities

Group photo Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council 2015

12 June 2015 There must be a shared basic understanding of core issues concerning universities that transcends countries and continents. Only on this basis can universities continue to play their key role in progressing research, society and the economy.
This was the conclusion of the 50 university leaders from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa who met from 10 to 12 June at the KörberForum for the first Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council at the invitation of the German Rectors' Conference, the Körber Foundation and Universität Hamburg. More