Max Planck Schools – a joint initiative between German universities and the German research organizations

The HRK Executive Board, the spokespersons of the HRK Universities Member Group and the HRK concept group “Max Planck Schools” agree to support the following concept and process for the pilot phase of “Max Planck Schools – a joint initiative between German universities and the German research organizations”:

  1. The initiative will begin with a pilot phase, which will be evaluated after five years (i.e., evaluation to be complete after five years). Its continuation and further development will be discussed on the basis of the evaluation, which must adhere to high international standards of quality. If the format were to be established permanently, its detailed design and further development could be carried out through the German Research Foundation (DFG).

  2. The Max Planck Society does not award any type of academic qualifications. The responsibility for matters relating to study and doctoral degrees lies with the respective bodies of the participating universities, including for any accreditations that may be necessary.

  3. This course of action requires agreement by a majority of the HRK Executive Board, of the spokespersons of the HRK Universities Member Group and of the HRK concept group.

  4. All cooperation arrangements will be secured through contracts between the partners, i.e., non-university research institutions and the university leadership that provide fellows. All the details will be specified in these contracts, for example in relation to the qualifications to be awarded. Uniform model framework contracts will be drafted and agreed on for that purpose.

The evaluation of the pilot phase with respect to structure and governance is of critical importance. If the initiative should prove its worth, in the transition from the pilot phase into a permanent programme the procedure for the selection of the schools must be academically driven.